Designer Replicas

Here is a chance to enjoy the prestige of iconic designer furniture at affordable prices. Our reproductions are constructed in highest-quality materials to exact design specifications that are true to their famous originals. Whether your dream is to own an Arne Jacobsen Egg Chair or a Barcelona Chair by Mies van der Rohe, replica furniture is a great way to make your dream a reality and crank up the style button in your home. These are iconic pieces for good reason; their popularity is a result of truly genius design.

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Replica Furniture Finder


What is replica furniture?

When a retailer legally recreates a piece of designer furniture and resells it at a cheaper price, this is known as replica furniture. These designs no longer hold copyright protection.

The market for replica furniture exists to allow everyday consumers to afford designer furniture. One of the most commonly replicated furniture items is the Hans Wegner Danish mid-century Wishbone chair.

In Australia, these replica items must do more than just look like the original piece; they must also reflect the same safety standards.

Is replica furniture legal?

In Australia, it is legal to advertise furniture as “replica”, but illegal to use the original name of the item if it is protected under trademark. The Designs Act 2003 (Cth) requires registration of furniture designs before manufacturing, which protects them for ten years. After the ten year period, other manufacturers may replicate designs at more affordable prices.

Many of our replica designer furniture pieces are copies of designs from the 60s or 70s, where registration either never took place or has since expired.

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